How to delete a Skype account
It is very usual these days that we are immersed in the immense sea of social networks, a situation that has become very common and is not something that can only be seen in a certain group of the population. On the contrary, social networks welcome a large number of people without any kind of restriction.
For the current world within the most important social networks, we find Skype, one of the most used, but at the same time one of the most tedious, since many of the people, when they decide to use them later, want to delete Skype account and they get with a big problem.
How to delete a Skype account

We must be clear that social networks have been gaining ground throughout the world, have become a very big help for people and to stay constantly communicated, however, in the case of Skype, although it shortens distances and is very effective when performing various tasks, it is also quite frustrating for most of its users.
Clear Skype account, for example, has become one of the most devious tasks for many.
There are people who, after some time, do not feel comfortable with a social network or who simply wish to separate themselves from it, but it is not always as easy as wanting it. Deactivating a Skype account requires a lot of patience since it is a path full of frustration and in some cases, has many disadvantages for the user.
As a first obstacle, we get that by deleting a Skype account, you can immediately delete the associated email account of Outlook or Hotmail. When an email account is associated with a Skype account it is very difficult to unlink it, therefore, when you assume the decision to delete a Skype account, the same will happen with your email account as well.
In this case, those accounts that were associated with each other, no longer work in the same way, that is, they will no longer provide the same service.
In this way, the primary connection of that email account is lost, it does not provide the rest of the services and you will not be able to continue receiving emails from certain sites or activities that you have also had associated with your email account.
When you have decided to delete your Skype account permanently, you will get a road full of many obstacles, many of which you will not be able to face without the help of third parties. For the same reason, to eliminate the account you must have technical support that you will find within the main tools that Microsoft shows you, within its media store.
You must continue with a series of steps that will start from the moment you decide to start your plan. First, you must connect by your Microsoft account; next step, you will be sent to a list of options, within which you must choose the option “delete account”
Then it refers you to a series of new options, within which you must choose “text chat with technical support”. Like any process, you will have to keep in touch with the server to which you are assigned, and even if it tries to evade a little what you propose and once the server is convinced of what you want to do, your account will be marked as “account marked to eliminate “.
Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages left by the decision to deactivate Skype is the impact it has on you as a user. The fact of keeping your email account linked to your Skype account, marks without a doubt a play against, because in the end that email account will also lose the correct functioning and you will not be able to use it properly.
Unlinking your email account from your Skype account is not something you can do, at least not for the moment. Not for many reasons, in the first place, it is not possible since it requires several steps that you must carry out with a certain determination.
First, you must get verification by the technical support by means of a code sent to the email or to the associated telephone number.
Then you will get something marked as “suggestion of linking the account with email”. To complete the whole process, the same system will ask you for a password of the email that you will use, this process is reversible and it is not something that you can carry out without the authorization that you will require from the beginning.
In this sense, you will always need an email account to be in the world of Skype.
Normally we make decisions that depend on external factors rather than internal, it may be the fact of eliminating a Skype account forever is one of those decisions. Although it is very difficult to disappear from Skype if you want to return back without major problems. You can recover your Skype account in an easier way than eliminating it.
To recover your Skype account you must log in with your account, but this must be done within a period of no more than sixty days, after closing it.
This way you can cancel the closing decision and everything will be as you have left it. It is important to keep in mind that, if this is done after the expiration of sixty days, you will not be able to recover an account that has already been deleted and there is nothing that can be done in that case.
Skype in the same way that it is an excellent tool for many people, can also be the opposite for others, everything depends on the tastes and needs of each person.
However, it meets the needs of the entire population and for those who no longer want to belong to it, all that remains is to begin the tortuous path, but not impossible to disappear from the network.
It is true that Skype is one of the best applications in the world when we want to take advantage of productivity on our computers and even mobile devices, or to make video calls to any part of the world.
However, we know that many users will have opened their Skype account just to satisfy a specific need for a job, and sometimes, they will no longer need it.
It can also happen that our Skype account with all the contacts we have is no longer of interest to us and that we need a new one associated with the same email account, and then we will have to delete the first one. But no matter what the reason you are trying to delete a Skype account, you have to know that it is a really simple procedure, which anyone can carry out.
In effect, below we will show you all the details that we believe are important when it comes to learning how to delete a Skype account, regardless of the platform on which you use it.
If you have already had experience deleting a Gmail account or deleting a Twitter account, you will see that the procedure is similar, but if not, you should only follow the next step.
How to delete a Skype account
Deleting a Skype account
- We enter in the first instance our Skype account, with the data as username and password
- In the upper part, we will find the Help option, that we have to select
- Within this Help section, we can see that if we scroll down, we will find the option Account and payments
- There will be many possible options, but we have to stay with “How do I close my Skype account?”
- You will see that once the previous option is selected, several possibilities will appear, one of which says something like “Get in touch with us”
- We can then choose the problem we have, agreeing to complete all the possible information fields, and then go to Next
- At that moment, we will have notification of all the options through which we can contact the Skype / Microsoft staff, but we will have to select “Support through text chat”
In just a few minutes a Skype manager will contact us, and at that time we will be able to directly access assistance to eliminate our Skype account without further problems. You should also know that you do not really need to have specific reasons to delete the account, but simple enough to comment that you no longer want it.