Youtube Data Usage per Hour
These days users tries to get best application for entertainment, Someone want to listen their favorite music while some other need video as per requirement. When all it comes on one platform then everyone jumps on such platform, And its all have been possible by YouTube service.
But the main question from users are, that how much internet data should spend to use YouTube service, then such questions will get satisfactory answer here. Basically every user has specific need during the use of YouTube, so according to that they will get guidance about data consumption over YouTube platform.
Throughout article information you will get introduce with some parameters by which YouTube consume users data as per their standard policy, so all that aspects you will get to know here.
This information will put one strong analyzation in front of you about data consumption. By that way there will be no confusion about data usage during the use of service, on this unique platform where no limit about entertainment.
How much Data does Youtube use per Hour

Main Contents:
- Youtube Quality Data Usage
- Elaborative Information About Data Use Over YouTube
- Data Consumption Statistics For YouTube
- Frequently Asked Questions about Youtube
Youtube Quality Data Usage
Before Moving towards our main topic, below given parameters you have to get understand first. Without get understand them it is not possible to explain actual data consumption on YouTube.
So one by one try to understand them, Then you will be able to know about data consumption over YouTube. Also It can be helpful for you to manage your data to keep continue entertainment without any kind of interruption.
- Types of Content (Audio/Video)
- Streaming Content Resolution/Quality
- Service Time Span
- Usage Format (Streaming/Downloading)
- Data Service Type (Mobile Data/Wi-Fi)
Lets get to know actual data consumption on YouTube with the help of above given information by better way.
Elaborative Information About Data Use Over YouTube
- Types of Content
As we all knows that YouTube provides audio as well as video contents, Some time either you are watching video songs or movies also available there in different quality/resolution.
Audio songs streaming service is also included on YouTube, Where as to such kind of services we can say types of contents.
Actually which kind of content you are going to use on YouTube is responsible about data consumption over there. Means it is true that video content always consume more data as compare to audio content over YouTube.
Doesn’t matter you are watching video songs, Movies or any specific video on YouTube it will consume always more data as compare to any kind of audio content. As a user you should keep this thing in mind, also as per that you have to try about to manage your data.
- Streaming Content Resolution/Quality
Basically there are below given quality/resolution audio and video contents are available on YouTube;
- 144p
- 240p
- 360p
- 480p
- 720p
- 1080p
- 2k
- 4k
As per given above information, among them every time you are choosing any one quality/resolution for the audio or video content, So as much high quality content you prefer to use that much data will go to consume during the use.
One basic important thing here is that, for video content on YouTube most of the time high resolution/quality option is available there, But for audio content there is no provision of higher quality all the time.
Here one thing is clear that every time as much higher quality content you prefer to use that much data you have spend on YouTube, next you will get to know this thing by better way.
- Service Time Span
If you are watching video songs on YouTube then it might be take some minutes or possibly some hours, While when it comes on movie then minimum around 2 to 3 hours are required to complete this task.
Our motive is to clear one important thing in front of you, that is for as much long time you are using YouTube service that much data you will have to spend over there.
Same thing is applicable in case of audio songs, means if you are listening audio songs on YouTube by live streaming, then for how much time you are doing that task that will decide data consumption over YouTube.
So whenever you are using YouTube that time keep this thing in mind, time span of service usage is also one of the main factor about data consumption over YouTube.
- Usage Format (Streaming/Downloading).
Some users prefer to watch live news while some other like to stream video songs or movies in this case they have to be choose not only specific content quality but also time span includes in this task. So here we can say all these kind of tasks are going to complete by streaming way.
In other case users prefer to download any specific audio or video contents and use them later. Here every content has specified quality options and by choosing desired quality of content user can download them to watch them later.
Means here action going only about downloading not that much on streaming. So according to desired content size, that much data you have to spend over YouTube for the completion of Downloading task.
Both this cases as mentioned above audio content also includes it means this thing happens in case of audio content, So try to understand this thing which is related to your act. As per your action like streaming or downloading you will have to spend data over YouTube.
- Data Service Type.
Now some users will think like what is the relation of data service type with data consumption over YouTube, Then you are right but you have to get understand this whole clarification. Which will surely helpful for you about data management as well as to get understand like how data service type can affect data consumption over YouTube.
Now think over it, if you are using YouTube with the help of mobile internet data that time whatever you will do there, Data will start to consume from your mobile data pack.
In other case if you are using YouTube with the help of Wi-Fi that time there will be no data deduction from your mobile data pack, because you are connected with Wi-Fi and whatever data going to spend that will from Wi-Fi service.
So main motive of this clarification is as a user if you want to know actual data consumption, then it will apply only when you will use YouTube via mobile data pack, Not through Wi-Fi.
So data service type matter about data consumption over YouTube, because you can get worried about data consumption only when you are using YouTube via mobile data pack.
Else those who prefer to get internet through Wi-Fi, they don’t have need to be panic about data consumption over YouTube.
One more benefit to get understand this concept is, statistics of data consumption over YouTube can be helpful to you for the data management as per your daily data limit.
Data Consumption Statistics For YouTube.
As per given all the information up till now lets see some statistics about data consumption over YouTube, In this way you will better realize like how data utilization varies by all the parameters as we discussed earlier.
All the given statistics are concerned with per hour usage of data also the results are according to that, like as;
- 240p : Approximately 225 MB/Hour
- 480p : 563 MB/Hour Approximately.
- 360p : Approximately 315 MB/Hour.
- 720p : Approximately 1.24 GB/Hour
- 1080p : 2.04 GB/Hour Approximately.
- 1440p(2k) : Approximately 4.30 GB/Hour.
- 2160p(4k) : Approximately 10.60 GB/Hour.
All the data consumption statistics are given for the video content, Now lets see statistics for data consumption on YouTube for audio content, Which are given below;
- 720p : 670 MB/Hour Approximately.
- 240p : Approximately 150 MB/Hour.
- 1080p : 1.2 GB/Hour Approximately.
- 480p : Approximately 370 MB/Hour.
So these all are some standard figures by which YouTube consume data for audio and video content, Now at glance let’s look out per minute data consumption for video content on YouTube. That’s given below;
- 144p : 1.3 MB/Minute Approximateely.
- 240p : 3.4 MB/Minute Approximately.
- 360p : Approximately 5 MB/Minute.
- 480p : Approximately 8.2 MB/Minute.
- 720p : 25 MB/Minute Approximately.
- 1080p : Approximately 50 MB/Minute.
With the help of above minute wise data consumption statistics, you can calculate data consumption for 5 minute,10 minute,30 minute and so on for video content on YouTube.
In this way throughout article information you have read about all the important and essential aspects for the data consumption on YouTube.
Hope you have understood this information. Share it with others and thanks for being with us..
Frequently Asked Questions about Youtube
- If i want to stream 720p quality video for 1 hour on YouTube then how much data is required for that?
Ans: Approximately 1.24 GB data will require for 1 hour streaming. - How much data is required to stream 240p quality audio content on YouTube for 1 hour?
Ans: 150 MB data approximately. - To watch 3 hours movie with 720p video quality on YouTube, How much data will be required there?
Ans: Approximately 3.72 MB data will be required to do this task. - Can i watch 2k quality video on YouTube? For 1 hour usage of 2k quality video how much data will be required to spend there
Ans: 4.30 GB approximately. - How can we save mobile data during the use YouTube?
Ans: If you want to save mobile internet data and same time if you want to use YouTube then best way is to get connected your device with Wi-Fi so that mobile data will not be consumed.