Home Business The Salesforce DX Revolution – Is it Right for Your Team Too?

The Salesforce DX Revolution – Is it Right for Your Team Too?

Even though it is quite a while now since the release of the new Salesforce DX, it is early days for the suite now. There are more works to be done and newer versions to be released in order to make it perfect, however, looking ahead, there are many major advantages users can enjoy by adopting Salesforce DX.

Salesforce DX
Major benefits of Salesforce DX

Major benefits of Salesforce DX

The most admired benefits of Salesforce DX in terms of development and deployment include, but not limited to:

  • Continuous deployment – Ability to deploy the latest features the very moment they are developed.
  • Safe deployment – With a guarantee that code will fit the configuration and then roll-back.
  • Continuous integration – Ability to check the changes without breaking the existing flow and integrate them.
  • Easy debugging – The version control feature allows easy debugging on the go.
  • Easy code sharing – Easy sharing among a corporate team of developers.

In fact, the above factors largely benefit the professional developers and also the corporate developmental teams. However, the step of tying an org to version control should be considered seriously for which the development team needs to be well versed with version control and also comfortable with the command-line interface.

What’s missing?

There is no doubt that Salesforce has come up with a commendable job in terms of bringing up the new platform to meet up the requirements of the latest and upcoming software development practices. As pointed out by Flosum.com experts, Salesforce DX also lays a strong foundation for managing the release lifecycle of organs more effectively.

However, we need also to mention the flaw as there is not much consideration for admins to effectively contribute to the deployment process of projects in Salesforce DX.

The future path

Considering the future of Salesforce DX, we have to expect that any new way to manage the orgs should also be accommodating the admins along with developers.

Admins also should be given the power to review, contribute, and deploy the changes in a Salesforce-managed environment. Over the last year; however, we can see that Salesforce was building many admin-focused solutions to deploy changes, which are called ‘Migrations.’

The major focus of the upcoming released will surely be making the deployments faster, simpler, and safer from developers all up on the ladder.

Reviewing the Salesforce changes

Version control – Incorporating the version control features is a commendable change. As in Salesforce, the advantages of version control are many, so the essential parts of Salesforce DX are designed to work well with the version control.

Migrations – Salesforce DX goes far beyond the code diffs. The changes are presented in it a more human-readable manner. This makes the context simpler and understandable to all. Salesforce commits to support Salesforce DX in the long run as once it is used largely, both developers and admins get the best out of both worlds.

Salesforce DX is lately one of the most needed platforms for the developers, and with Migrations, it will be so for the admin community too. The admin users also can get involved in the process by joining the Early Access Program and help them shape the features.



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