Screen sharing

Share your screen during a video call with your friends or colleagues.

Message editing

Edit your sent messages within 15 minutes of sending them.

Run your WhatsApp on two smartphones simultaneously.

Multi-device support

Find specific messages or information in any chat or group.

Chat search

Delete any type of content from a single chat or group, such as messages, photos, videos, etc.

Storage Management

Storage Management

Enable this feature to make your messages disappear after seven days.

Disappearing messages

Disappearing messages

Express yourself with fun and lively animated stickers.

Animated stickers

Animated stickers

Switch to dark mode to reduce eye strain and save battery life.

Dark mode

Dark mode

Add new contacts by scanning their QR code instead of typing their number.

QR code

QR code

Set different wallpapers for different chats or groups.

Custom wallpapers

Custom wallpapers