AI is transforming many different industries, including Music Industry, but there are artists who may not agree to it completely.

Kelly Jones is the lead singer of Stereophonics and the founder of a new band Far From Saints.

Kelly Jones is the lead singer of Stereophonics and the founder of a new band Far From Saints.

He criticises the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to help create music, saying that art should come from people.

Kelly questions the move towards multiple songwriters on a single song, comparing it to 10 painters chucking paint on a canvas.

Kelly questions the use of AI technology to allow songwriters to create songs

He also discusses the challenges that have come from setting up his new band, especially after Brexit and the pandemic.

He says it is not easy to make a living from music if you are a brand new kid coming out onto the street.

He says his new band released Let’s Turn This Back Around earlier this year, which is their first single.

He says he is not against forward-thinking technology, but he thinks art should be a real person’s expression from a heart and a head.